Friedrich Reiss
(24. 12. 1937 - 17. 8. 1999)

On 17 August 1999, Friedrich ("Frieder") Reiss - dear friend, colleague and advisor to many in our profession - died, in his 62nd year, from a recurrence of heart problems.

In Frieder we have lost one of the most influential scientists in chironomid research, who for decades set and met the highest standards in our field. He was fortunate in being able to concentrate exclusively on the midges ever since the completion of his academic education. He took full advantage of this opportunity, not only for himself, but also with his constant efforts to make his achievements available to colleagues and aspiring biologists becoming interested in taxonomy and the Chironomidae. All who have known him deeply appreciate not only Frieder's knowledge in our specialty, but equally so his wide-ranging interests in the natural sciences, and intellectual openness in general. From discussions with him, on any subject, one always walked away with something gained.

Friedrich Reiss was a great gift to our science. His untimely death fills us all with deep sorrow. We will sorely miss his competence, advice and friendship.

Obituary and Bibliography

In the 1999 issue (No. 12) of the CHIRONOMUS Newsletter you can find an obituary (by Prof. E. J. Fittkau and M. Spies) including Dr Reiss' complete bibliography.

Special Commemorative Issue of SPIXIANA

We are glad to announce that one of the regular issues of the journal SPIXIANA in the year 2000 has been issued as a posthumous tribute to Dr Friedrich Reiss.

Submitted by: Martin Spies, Email: