In Memoriam

This page honors a number of influencial researchers whose works have greatly influenced our knowledge. Here we acknowledge our colleagues:

    Dietrich Neumann (1931-2012) - Martin Spies: "Much of Neumann's work, in early years including studies with Karl Strenzke, was in chronobiology and morphogenetics, with a major focus on the ecology, physiology, phenology and separation of Clunio populations in the marine intertidal. Later on he was very active also in the limnology, ecology and protection of river floodplains and their biota. Academically, Neumann served as teacher and advisor to many students, e.g. during his tenure (1967-1997) as professor of zoology and physiological ecology at the University of Cologne, Germany. An obituary in German by A. Kureck has been published in Zoologie / Mitteil. Dt. Zool. Ges. 2013: 67-72. A PDF version of this paper will soon be available (also includes another paper in memory of Prof. E.J. Fittkau (Diller & Hausmann, p. 53-56))."


    William P. ("Bill") Coffman (1942-2013) - Carlos de la Rosa: "It is with sadness that I share that Dr. William P. Coffman passed away on Friday, 25 of January 2013...An Entomologist, Bill was a biology Professor for 43 years at the University of Pittsburgh, where he was the foremost expert on Chironomidae. His work lives-on today as his collection is now housed at the La Selva Biological Station of the Organization for Tropical Studies in Costa Rica. Additionally, Bill was an avid stamp collector, a WWII history enthusiast, as well as truly enjoying classical music, especially Lieder." Dr. de la Rosa has provided an update (click on Bill's name) with a rememberance and information about Dr. Coffman's midge collection at the University of Pittsburgh.

    Ole A. Sæther (1936-2013)




    James E. ("Jim") Sublette (1928-2012)

    Ernst Josef ("Sepp") Fittkau (1927-2012) - Martin Spies:"With deepest sadness I have to inform you that Prof. Ernst Josef Fittkau has passed away, just a couple of months shy of his 85th birthday...Sepp has made himself immortal not only through lasting scientific contributions, but also with the unassuming, warm-hearted and optimistic manner in which he brought people together to share and develop enthusiasm for systematics, the ecology and protection of diverse biota, and more ..."

    Nikolai Zelentsov (1941-2012) - Evgeniy Makarchenko - "He was one of the best Orthocladiinae taxonomists of Russia...I plan with some Russian colleagues to publish notice in EEJ in Russian after receiving main information and good photo from N. Zelentsov's Institute [Institute of Biology of Inland Waters in Borok]. I was his friend and know well about his work and papers but I have not his CV. After that maybe we will publish in English in [the] Chironomus [newsletter].


    †KOBAYASHI, Tadashi (10.01.2020)
    KIKNADZE, Iya I. (17.12.2017)
    WUELKER, Wolfgang (25.09.1925-21.01.2017)
    KIM, Hoon Soo (17.4.1923-22.4.2015)
    RIERADEVALL, Maria - (23.2.1960-15.10.2015)
    †SHOBANOV, Nikolai A. (21.06.1958–05.11.2015)
    †HASHIMOTO, Hiroshi (Nov 2015)
    †BUSKENS, Ronald (Feb 2014)

Page last edited: Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 (EB)