Contribution to the Systematics and Ecology of Aquatic Diptera: A Tribute to Ole A. Sæther
Below is the Table of Contents from my copy of the book, "Contribution to the Systematics and Ecology of Aquatic Diptera: A Tribute to Ole A. Sæther", edited by Trond Andersen, published by The Caddis Press, 2007. (Errors are mine, from a OCR scan).
Foreword - iii
EKREM, T. and T. ANDERSEN: Professor Ole Anton Sæther 70 years: four decades of chironomid research - 1
Research articles
ANDERSEN, T. and H. F. MENDES: Five enigmatic new orthoclad genera from Brazil (Diptera: Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae) - 17
ASHE,P . AND J. P. O'CONNOR: A new genus and species of Orthocladiinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia - 53
BRODERSEN, K. P.: Chironomids (Diptera) from sub-saline lakes in West Greenland: diversity, assemblage structure and respiratory adaptation - 61
CALDWELL, B. A.: Morphological variation, additional distribution records, and notes on ecology of Pagastia orthogonia Oliver (Diptera: Chironomidae) - 69
CRANSTON, P. S., G. M. BENIGNO and M. C. DOMINGUEZ: Hydrobaenus saetheri Cranston, new species, an aestivating, winter-emerging chironomid (Diptera: Chironomidae) from California - 73
EKREM, T. AND G. A. HALVORSEN: Taxonomy of Tanytarsus lapponicus Lindeberg, 1970, a species with larval mandible of 'lugens-type' (Diptera: Chironomidae) - 81
EKREM, T. AND E. STUR: Description of Tanytarsus hjulorum, new species, with notes and DNA barcodes of some South African Tanytarsus (Diptera: Chironomidae) - 87
ENDO K., E. A. MAKARCHENKO and E. WILLASSEN: On the systematics of Linevitshia Makarchenko, 1987 (Diptera: Chironomidae, Diamesinae), with the description of L. yezoensis Endo, new species - 93
FERRINGTON. L. C . Jr.: Hibernal emergence patterns of Chironomidae in lotic habitats of Kansas versus substrate composition - 99
GILKAW, AND L. PAASIVIRTA: Two new species of the genus Tanytarsus van der Wulp (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Fennoscandia - 107
GODDEERIS, B., K. HERMANS and H. HAMPEL: Experimental termination of diapause in three Chaoborus species (Diptera: Chaoboridae) from a Belgian lowland pond - 115
HIRABAYASKH.,I ,G . KIMURA, Y. FUKUNAGA and M. YAMAMOTO: Distribution pattern of chironomid midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) in the upper and middle reaches of the Shinano River in Central Japan - 129
JACOBSEN, R. E.: Orthocladius (Orthocladius) saetheri, new species, from the Appalachian Mountains (Diptera: Chironomidae) - 137
JACOBSEN, R. E. AND B. BILYJ: An unusual new Cladotanytarsus from oligotrophic Florida Everglades marshes (Diptera: Chironomidae) - 145
KOBAYASHI, T., R. NAKAZATO and M. HIGO: The identity of Japanese Lipiniella Shilova species (Diptera: Chironomidae) - 155
LENCIONI, V., B. ROSSARO and B. MAIOLINI: Alpine chironomid distribution: a mere question of altitude? - 165
MAKARCHENKO, E. A. and M. A. MAKARCHENKO: A review of Tokunagaia Szether (Diptera: Chironomidae) from the Russian Far East, with the description of four new species - 181
MARTIN. J., A. BLINOV, E.ALIEVA and K. HIRABAYASAHI: Molecular phylogenetic investigation of the genera closely related to Chironomus Meigen (Diptera: Chironomidae) - 193
MOUBAYED-BREIL. Polypedilum (Cerobregma) lotensis, new species, and P. (C.) saetheri, new species, from lowland streams and rivers in France (Diptera: Chironomidae) - 205
MURRAY. D. A. Limnophyes platystylus, new species (Diptera: Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae) from Ireland - 215
NIITSUMA. H. Saetheromyia, a new genus of Tanypodinae from Japan (Diptera: Chironomidae) - 219
OYEWO. E. A. and R. E. JACOBSEN: Polypedilum (Pentapedilum) epleri, a new species from the eastern USA (Diptera: Chironomidae) - 225
PAASIVLRLTA, L. Chironomid species in Finnish springs and their surroundings - 235
PAGGI, A.C. A new Neotropical species of the genus Thienemanniella Kieffer. 1911 (Diptera: Chironomidae. Orthocladiinae) - 247
ROQUE, F. 0. and S . TRIVINHO-STRIXINO: Spatial distribution of chironomid larvae in low-order streams in southeastern Brazilian Atlantic Forest: a multiple scale approach - 255
SANSEVERINO, A.M. and E. J. FITTKAU: Taxonomy of Caladomyia alata (Paggi, 1992) and Caladomyia tuberculata (Reiss, 1972), new combinations (Diptera: Chironomidae) - 265
SZADZIEWSKI. R, W. GILKA and P. DOMINIAK: A redescription of Forcipomyia squamigera Kieffer, 1916 in all stages (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) - 275
TRIVINHO-STRIXINO, S. and T. SIQUEIRA: New species of Beardius Reiss et Sublette. 1985 (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Southeastern Brazil - 281
WAGNER. R . and T. ANDERSEN: Psychodidae (Diptera: Nematocera) from the West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania - 287
WANG, X. Y. LIU and L. PAASIVIRTA: A new species of Propsilocerus Kieffer from Finland (Diptera: Chironomidae. Orthocladiinae) - 309
WILLASSEN. E. Sasayusurika aenigmata Makarchenko (Diptera: Chironomidae. Diamesinae) - a Japanese endemic discovered in the Indian Himalaya - 315
WÜLKER,W. F. Two new Chironomus species with fluviatilis-type larvae from the near-shore sandy sediments of Lake Michigan (Diptera: Chironomidae) - 321
YAMAMOTO, M. K. HIRABAYASHI, and M MATSUZAWA: The Korean species Hanochironomus turnerestylus Ree, 1992 taken on Ishigaki Island. Japan (Diptera: Chironomidae) - 335
ZORINA, O. V. Oleclyptotendipes, a new genus in the Harnischia complex (Diptera: Chironomidae) from the Russian Far East - 347
Index - 353
List of new taxa, combinations, and synonyms - 357
25-Feb-2014 (EB)