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Revision of the Nearctic Species of the Genus Polypedilum

For chironomid taxonomists out there who have been struggling with the genus Polypedilum in North America, your task has become a bit easier.

Dave Maschwitz's mid-1970's Ph.D. dissertation on Polypedilum has finally been published! To order this fine publication please read below:

Using: Personal check drawn on a U.S. Bank or in US$; MasterCard or VISA; Purchase order from an accredited institution or corporation.

Cost: $25.00 [Ohio residents add 5.75% sales tax]; Shipping: Within the US, shipping and handling is 10% of the order, with a minimum of $1.50; and for Canada and Mexico, 11%, with a minimum of $1.50; 15% of order for Europe and South America; 16% of order for Africa, Asia, and the South Pacific.

(Note: I am not affiliated with the Ohio Biological Survey; this is done as a "public service". Also note - this publication does not deal in any great detail with the subgenera Pentapedilum or Tripodura)

John H. Epler, Ph.D. (
Systematic Entomologist
just south of Wakulla Springs, FL
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