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Posted by Martin Spies
 - January 29, 2025, 01:24:27 PM

Tombor, E., Korponai, J. L., Begy, R., Zsigmond, A. R., Wojewódka-Przybył, M., Hamerlík, L., Túri, M., Máthé, I., Kotrys, B., Płóciennik, M., Magyari, E. K. (2025) Resilience of alpine lake macroinvertebrate communities to climate change: a view from the South Carpathian mountains. Hydrobiologia: 26 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd 9.i.2025]
Posted by Martin Spies
 - January 11, 2025, 03:53:17 PM

Dočkalová, K., Stuchlík, E., Hamerlík, L., Bitušík, P., Turek, J., Svitok, M., Novikmec, M., Lackner, R., Dvorak, M., Kopáček, J., Tátosová, J., Camarero, Ll., Füreder, L., Vondrák, D. (2024) Cold mountain stream chironomids (Diptera) of the genus Diamesa indicate both historical and recent climate change. Envir. Ent. (paper nvae052): 15 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd]

Eensalu, M., Nelson, D. B., Buczynska, A., Rach, O., Luoto, T. P., Poska, A., Klein, E. S., Stansell, N. D. (2024) Holocene hydroclimate variability of the Baltic region inferred from stable isotopes, d-excess and multi-proxy data at lake Nuudsaku, Estonia (NE Europe). Quaternary Sci. Reviews 334(paper 108736): 18 pp. + online suppl. material. [online version of record publd]

Lamb, A. L., Barst, B. D., Elder, C. D., Engels, S., Francis, C., Hardenbroek, M. van, Heiri, O., Lombino, A., Robson, H. J., Anthony, K. W., Wooller, M. J. (2024) Stable isotope analyses of lacustrine chitinous invertebrate remains: Analytical advances, challenges and potential. Quaternary Sci. Reviews 346(paper 109067): 19 pp. [online version of record publd 16.xi.2024]
Posted by Martin Spies
 - July 13, 2022, 03:22:51 PM

Hamerlík, L., Silva, F. L., Massaferro, J. (2022) An illustrated guide of subfossil Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) from waterbodies of Central America and the Yucatan Peninsula. J. Paleolimnol. 67(3): 201-258. [first publd online 29.i.2022]

McCurry, M. R., Cantrill, D. J., Smith, P. M., Beattie, R., Dettmann, M., Baranov, V., Magee, C., Nguyen, J. M. T., Forster, M. A., Hinde, J., Pogson, R., Wang, H., Marjo, C. E., Vasconcelos, P., Frese, M. (2022) A Lagerstätte from Australia provides insight into the nature of Miocene mesic ecosystems. Science Advances 8(eabm1406): 11 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd online 7.i.2022]
Posted by Martin Spies
 - July 13, 2022, 03:22:25 PM

Cao, Y., Zheng, Z., Luo, X., Langdon, P. G., Dai, Zh., Zhou, A. (2021) Staining of subfossil chironomid head capsules: a method for improving the extraction process from lake sediments and peat. Hydrobiologia 848(3): 631-640 + online suppl. material.

Hamerlík, L., Silva, F. L. da (2021) Chironomidae of Central America. An illustrated introduction to larval subfossils. CRC Press, Boca Raton; 198 pp.

Lombino, A., Atkinson, T., Brooks, S. J., Gröcke, D. R., Holmes, J., Jones, V. J., Marshall, J. D. (2021) Experimental determination of the temperature dependence of oxygen-isotope fractionation between water and chitinous head capsules of chironomid larvae. J. Paleolimnol.: 8 pp. [first publd online,]
Posted by Martin Spies
 - March 19, 2020, 10:58:54 AM

Zhang, E. L., Tang, H. Q., Zhang, C. M., Cao, Y. M. (eds) (2019) (Subfossil chironomids of the lakes in China). Science Press, China Science Publishing and Media Ltd, Beijing; 115 pp. [in Chinese]
Posted by Martin Spies
 - December 17, 2016, 09:58:56 AM
Kornijów, R., Pawlikowski, K. (2016) A common error in calculating density of invertebrates in sediment core sections of unequal lengths. Annls Limnol. / Int. J. Limnol. 52(2): 301-306.