C. oppositus Walker 1856

In BOLD Bin: BOLD:AAF3284.


Adult male (left) and adult female (right) of C. oppositus.

Male terminalia (left) and superior volsella (centre) and other superior volsella and gonostylus (right) of C. oppositus type specimen.
Superior volsella of this specimen of D-type, between d and e of Strenzke (1959).

Details of the type specimen are given here.

Four forms were recognized by (Martin & Lee 1984), mainly on the basis of larval polytene chromosome banding patterns.    A fifth form, noted by D.H.D. Edward (unpubl.), occurs in Western Australia
No means of reliably distinguishing the adults is known.  However, the type specimen is a large adult and similar large adults were collected near the large central lakes of Tasmania, and these were associated with a single larval type, therefore called form oppositus (o).

The other forms are:
form connori (c)
form tyleri (t) - see
C. 'tyleri'.
form whitei (w) - results for this form suggest that it may be a composite of several other more or less differentiated forms - see C. oppositus MD variants.
The forms can be reasonably separated on the basis of allozyme and inversion frequencies.
form 'edwardi' (e) - this should also be recognized as a distinct species.

All these forms are essentially similar in coloration and morphology of hypopygium.  Further study is required to see if characters exist to separate the forms.
There is also a further related species, C. 'tasmaniensis' with only three polytene chromosomes, known from a single larvae

Molecular Data:mtCOI - GenBank (AF110155 - f. connori, KJ946667-KJ946677) and BOLD.  These sequences are shared between the forms of C. oppositus and with C. 'tyleri', presumably due to ongoing hybridization.
mtCyt B - GenBank (AF109698 - f. connori) also KJ946795 & KJ946796
gb2B - Genbank (AJ003799)
CAD1 - GenBank (KJ946479 - KJ946493)
and other genes.

The basic evidence for the recognition of the forms was given in Martin (2011a).

Found: Australian Capital Territory - Acton (w).
            New South Wales - Barmah Ferry (w); Boggy Swamp Creek, n & e. Putty (w); 13 Km s. Bombala (w); Colo (w); Station Creek,
            Delegate (w); 30 Km n. Holbrook (w); Jeir Creek (w); Kiandra (c, o, w); Macquarie Pass (w); 3 Km s. Nowra (w);
            Tarago Swamp (w); 13 Km n. Tooma Dam (w or c).
            South Australia - Barmera (o); Lake Leake (37.617°S, 140.583°E) (o) and Lake Edward (37.633°S, 140.600°E) (o)
            via Kalangadoo; Warren Gorge, n. Quorn (w). Kangaroo Island: Kingscote (w).
            Tasmania (type locality)(o): - Arthur River (c); Bakers Beach (w); Bellerive (c, o); Bicheno (c); Butler Island, Gordon River (o);
            Cambridge (o); Campbelltown (o); Coles Bay (o); Fossey River (c, w); George Town (c, o); Geeveston (-43.16°S, 146.90°E) (o);
            Ida Bay (c, o, w); Lake Crescent (o); Little Swanport (o); Manning River, Sandy Bay (w); Maydena –(42.67°S, 146.62°E) (c);
            Montana (-41.55°S, 146.58°E); 15 Km Queenstown (c, o); Smithon (-40.83°S, 145.08°E) (c,o,w); Swansea (-42.13°S; 148.09°E) .
            (c, o); Wynyard (c) Flinders Island - Mt. Strezleckie (w): King Island - Porky Lagoon (o); Sea Elephant River (c):
            Victoria - Anglesea (o); Armadale (w); Exhibition Gardens, Carlton (w); Cumberland River (w); Longlea (w); Eildon (w);
            Elphinstone (c, w); Frankston (w); Horden Vale (w); Manns Beach (o); Botanic Gardens, Melbourne (w); Moggs Creek (c, o, w);
            Narbethong (w); North Balwyn (o); Orbost (o); w. Orbost (o); Parker Road, Cape Horn (w); Reedy Creek (c, o); nr. Sale (o);
            Sassafras (w); Upper Clear Spot; Vermont (w); Warrandyte (c, o, w); West Preston (w); Squeaky Beach (c, w),
            Wilsons Promontory.
            Western Australia - Lake Gwellup (e).

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Modified: 3 May 2024
Access: Unrestricted
Copyright © 2005-2024, Jon Martin.