C. nepeanensis Skuse, 1889

Larva:  Normally a moderately large, relatively slender plumosus-type larva.  Length about 15.5 mm (10.2-20.8 mm) (female 10.2-19.8 [37]; male 10.3-16.7 [26]); ventral tubules long, posterior pair coiled and usually slightly longer (ant. 1.34-3.52 mm; post. 1.40-3.80 mm) posterolateral tubules of segment X well developed (180-940 µm).  Anal tubules about 3.5 (2.5-4.9) times longer than wide, ventral pair slightly shorter and narrower.
Ventral Head Length 300-350 µm; mentum width about 195 - 230 µm.  Head capsule with gula and frontoclypeus pale,except in Northern Territory & Victoria, where there may be slight darkening.
Mentum (Fig. b) with fourth laterals reduced to about level of the 5th laterals (type II), and with c2 teeth of central trifid tooth clearly separated and sharp (type III).
Ventromentum (Fig. c) about 3.5 times longer than deep; with about 37-39 striae, VMR about 0.21-0.31.  Pecten epipharyngis (Fig. a) with about 11-17 mostly regular teeth.
Premandible usually with outer tooth shorter, inner tooth about three times wider than the outer tooth.
Basal segment of antenna (Fig. d) about 3.3-4.1 times as long as wide, Ring organ about 1/3-1/2 way up from the base; AR about 2.27 (1.93-2.81); A2/A1 about 0.18-0.23, A4/A3 about 1.3-2.0; A3 about same length as A5; relative length of segments (micron) 140 : 35 : 8 : 13 : 8.
Distance between antennal bases normally greater than that between the S4 setae, which are just before the maximum width of the frontoclypeus.
Mandible (Fig. e) with third inner tooth pale but distinct (type II-IIIB), with 15-25 furrows near base and 8-12 taeniae in Pecten mandibularis.

Cytology:  4 polytene chromosomes with the pseudothummi arm combination AE, BF, CD, G.
Arm G normally paired, position of the 2 nucleoli and BRs dependant on sequence.  Other nucleoli: in arm A (about group 11), distal in arm B, and in arm F (at group 7).
Polymorphism in all arms (complex in G).
The MD is on arm G (Martin & Lee 1984, Martin 2010), with G2 more common in males in some egg mases, but indicating that the MD is not within the inverted region.  This is consistent with the MD being near the end of the arm as in other species such as C. 'tyleri'.

nepA1:    1a-e, 3e - 2d, 8a - 9, 3f-i, 7d - 4a, 12a-c, 1f - 2c, 10 - 11(NOR), 13 - 19        from oppA4 by In12c-7 and In3e-12c
nepA2:    1a-e, 3e - 2d, 8 - 9, 11(NOR) - 10, 2c - 1f, 12c-a, 4 - 7, 3i-f, 13 - 19
nepB1:    Nucleolus near middle of arm
nepB2:    Simple inversion, including the nucleous, near the distal end of the arm
nepC1:    Groups 3-4 about 1/3 from distal end
nepC2:    Inversion of central half of arm such that groups 4-3 are about 1/3 from centromere
nepD2:    Simple inversion of about the distal third of the arm
nepE1:    1a-d,10g-c, 3f - 4, 2c - 3e, 10b - 5a, 2b - 1e, 11 - 13                                In10g-1e from febE1
nepE2:    about 1a-d, 4-3f, 10c-g, 2c - 3e, 10b - 5a, 2b - 1e, 11 - 13
nepF1:    1 - 2a, 10d-a, 4 -7(NOR)- 9, 3 - 2b, 11 - 23
nepF2:    1 - 2a, 10d-a, 4 - 6, 15 - 11, 2b - 3, 9 - 7(NOR), 16 - 23
nepG1:    2 nucleoli, 2 BR
nepG2:    Simple inversion from G1 (hypothetical)
nepG3:    Simple non-overlapping inversion from G2

Nucleoli and location of C-bands studied by Lentzios & Stocker (1979) and Lentzios et al. (1980), location of MD given in Martin and Lee (1984).

Pupa has been illustrated by P.S. Cranston in his Electronic Guide to Chironomidae of Australia.  This illustration is reproduced here (with permission).  No indication of frontal warts.   Some characters are listed in the Table below.
Large Pedes spurii B on segment II, small on segment III.  Large Pedes spurii A on segment IV, abt 220-228 µm long and 90-118 µm wide and 0.19-0.24 of the segment length; patches of spines on segments V and VI.
Spurs with 3.6 (1-6) spines - the higher numbers only seen on the spur of one side.
Exuviae from Queensland are smaller than those from further south.

Length (mm)
8.0 - 11.4
7.6 - 10.5
Inner margin wing case (mm)
1.68 - 2.13
1.52 - 2.07
Cephalic tubercles (micron)
109 - 137
80 - 133
Cephalic setae (micron)
Recurved hooks on abd. seg. 2
88 - 117
74 - 106
Swim fin taeniae (one side)
90 - 182
87 - 149

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Modified: 10 May 2024
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Copyright © 2005-2024, Jon Martin.