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Recently published / Re: Smaller subfamilies - new ...
Last post by Martin Spies - January 11, 2023, 02:58:27 PM

Andersen, T. (2022) A new species of Paraphrotenia Brundin, 1966 (Diptera, Chironomidae, Aphroteniinae) from the coastal mountains in southern Chile. Norw. J. Ent. 69(2): 237-242. [publd 14.xii.2022]

Makarchenko, E. A. (2022) A new species of Diamesa Meigen (Diptera, Chironomidae, Diamesinae) from Hokkaido Island, Japan. Evraziat. Entomol. Zh. (= Euroas. Entomol. J.) 21(1): 90-92. [in English with Russian abstract, etc.]

Makarchenko, E. A., Semenchenko, A. A., Dragan, S. V. (2022) Review on the fauna and taxonomy of Diamesinae subfamily (Diptera, Chironomidae) from the Republic of Khakassia (Russia), with morphological description and DNA barcoding of the discovered species. Evraziat. Entomol. Zh. (= Euroas. Entomol. J.) 21(1): 73-89. [in English with Russian abstract, etc.]

Makarchenko, E. A., Semenchenko, A. A., Palatov, D. M. (2022) Taxonomy of Diamesa steinboecki group (Diptera: Chironomidae: Diamesinae), with description and DNA barcoding of new species. I. Subgroups steinboecki and longipes. Zootaxa 5125(5): 483-512. [publd 13.iv.2022]

Shimabukuro, E. M., Silva, F. L. da, Pepinelli, M., Trivinho-Strixino, S., Lamas, C. J. E. (2022) A new species of Parochlus (Diptera: Chironomidae) reveals intriguing features of larva at the oldest South American highlands. Studs neotrop. Fauna Envir.: 9 pp. [publd online 2.v.2022]
Biomonitoring / Re: Publications
Last post by Martin Spies - January 06, 2023, 11:14:08 AM

Boggero,  A.,  Kamburska,  L.,  Zaupa, S., Ciampittiello, M., Paganelli, D., Cifoni, M., Rogora, M., Di Lorenzo, T. (2022) Sampling and laboratory protocols to study the effects of water-level management on the littoral invertebrate fauna in deep and large temperate lakes. J. Limnol. 81(s2, Article 2073): 12 pp. [publd 23.ix.2022]

Montaño-Campaz, M. L., G-Dias, L., Toro-Restrepo, B. (2022) Chironomus columbiensis (Diptera: Chironomidae) as test organism for aquatic bioassays: Mass rearing and biological traits. An. Acad. Bras. Cienc. 94(3, e20210389): 13 pp. [publd online]

Rossaro, B., Marziali, L., Boggero, A. (2022) Response of chironomids to key environmental factors: perspective for biomonitoring. Insects [Basle] 13(10, paper 911): 1-22 + online suppl. material. [publd 7.x.2022]
Various topics / Re: CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chir...
Last post by Martin Spies - January 02, 2023, 10:44:35 AM
Volume 35 (2022) of the CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research has been completed and published in its final form.

Please see, e.g.,
Faunistic publications / Re: 2022
Last post by Martin Spies - October 28, 2022, 09:24:50 AM
Morrone, J. J. (2022) When phylogenetics met biogeography: Willi Hennig, Lars Brundin and the roots of phylogenetic and cladistic biogeography. Cladistics: 12 pp. (publd online 19.x.2022]
Phylogeny / Re: Recent publications
Last post by Martin Spies - October 28, 2022, 09:23:49 AM

Morrone, J. J. (2022) When phylogenetics met biogeography: Willi Hennig, Lars Brundin and the roots of phylogenetic and cladistic biogeography. Cladistics: 12 pp. (publd online 19.x.2022]
Established earlier / Re: Keys
Last post by Martin Spies - October 26, 2022, 01:47:20 PM

Bendt, T., Schiffels, S. (2022) Taxonomie für die Praxis. Bestimmungshilfen – Makrozoobenthos (4). Chironomidenlarven. Band 2 – Tanypodinae, Diamesinae, Prodiamesinae, Podonominae, Telmatogetoninae, Buchonomyiinae und Tanytarsini. LANUV-Arbeitsblatt 50, Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Nordrhein-Westfalen, Recklinghausen; 330 pp. [NOTE: not a key in a classical sense, but an 'identification aid' offering genus and species profiles with many high-quality photographs; may be ordered via:]

Cuppen, H., Tempelman, D. (2022) Identification keys for the 4th stage larvae and pupal exuviae of north west European species of Orthocladius Van der Wulp, 1874 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae). Lauterbornia 88: 83-124. [publd 26.iv.2022]

Krasheninnikov, A. B., Przhiboro, A. A. (2022) On taxonomy of the subgenus Amblycladius of the genus Chaetocladius (Diptera, Chironomidae). Zootaxa 5168(4): 494-500.  [publd 25.vii.2022]

Liu, W.-B., Yao, Y., Chang, T., Yan, Ch.-C., Lin, X.-L. (2022) Contribution to the knowledge of Rheotanytarsus pellucidus species group from China (Diptera, Chironomidae): three new and one newly recorded species. Zootaxa 5188(2): 145-156. [publd 16.ix.2022]

Mondal, D., Mukherjee, T., Hazra, N. (2022) On a new species of the genus Zavrelimyia Fittkau, 1962 (Diptera: Chironomidae) from India with cladistic relationship and a world key to the known males. Zootaxa 5154(3): 365-379. [publd]

Mondal, D., Mukherjee, T., Hazra, N. (2022) Two new species of Monopelopia Fittkau, 1962 from forests in India along with a key to adult males of Oriental and Palearctic species (Diptera: Chironomidae). CHIRONOMUS J. Chironomidae Res. 35: 32-42. [publd 17.viii.2022]

Moubayed, J., Clévenot, P. (2022) Smittia balmea, S. corsicana and S. tyrrhena, spp. n. three new semiterrestrial species from continental France and Corsica [Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae]. Ephemera 23(1): 29-42.

Moubayed, J., Guisset, P. (2022) Pseudorthocladius queretanus sp. n., a crenophilous species inhabiting a cold stream in Eastern Pyrenees, France [Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae]. Ephemera 23(1): 7-16.

Moubayed, J., Langton, P. (2022) Redescription of the type specimens of Georthocladius (Georthocladius) collarti (Goet., 1941) and Parachaetocladius scaturiginis (Goet., 1940) n. comb. with keys to the European species [Diptera, Chironomidae]. Ephemera 23(1): 17-28.

Mukherjee, B., Hazra, N. (2022) First records of three genera, Cyphomella Sæther, 1977, Olecryptotendipes Zorina, 2007 and Robackia Sæther, 1977 of the Harnischia complex from India with description of O. extentus sp. n., O. obtunsus sp. n. and R. aequilongia sp. n. (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 5091(2): 330-340. [publd 13.i.2022]

Mukherjee, B., Hazra, N. (2022) Two new species of Demicryptochironomus Lenz, 1941 from India with tentative phylogenetic relationship and a revised world key to known males (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 5175(1): 88-100. [publd 15.viii.2022]

Mukherjee, T., Som, D. K., Hazra, N. (2022) Two new species of Pseudosmittia Edwards, 1932 from India with a key to Oriental species adult males (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae). Zootaxa 5200(1): 51-62. [publd 26.x.2022]

Orel, O. V. (2022) Additional data on Olecryptotendipes secundus (Zorina, 2003) from Russian Far East, with a description of preimaginal stages (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 5205(1): 87-96. [publd 4.xi.2022]

Qi, X., Yao, Y., Liu, W.-B., Yan, Ch.-C., Wang, X.-H., Lin, X.-L. (2022) Review of the Rheotanytarsus muscicola species group from China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Diversity [Basle] 14(5, paper 383): 16 pp. [publd online 12.v.2022]

Rossaro, B. (2022) Description of some West-Palearctic species of Eukiefferiella Thienemann, Tvetenia Kieffer and Tokunagaia Sæther (Diptera, Chironomidae). Evraziat. Entomol. Zh. (= Euroas. Entomol. J.) 21(1): 48-67. [in English, with Russian abstract]

Rossaro, B., Marziali, L., Magoga, G., Montagna, M., Boggero, A. (2022) Corrections and additions to descriptions of some species of the subgenus Orthocladius s. str. (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae). Insects 13(1, item 51): 1-24 + online suppl. material. [publd 2.i.2022]
Recently published / Re: New fossil taxa - all subf...
Last post by Martin Spies - October 01, 2022, 10:46:32 AM

Maksoud, S., Granier, B. R. C., Azar, D. (2022) Palaeoentomological (fossil insects) outcrops in Lebanon. Carnets Geol. 22(16): 699-746.
Faunistic publications / Re: 2022
Last post by Martin Spies - October 01, 2022, 10:42:56 AM
Tang, H., Cheng, Q., Krosch, M. N., Cranston, P. S. (2022) Maritime midge radiations in the Pacific Ocean Diptera: Chironomidae). Syst Ent. 48(1): 111-126 + online suppl. material. [first publd online 17.viii.2022]

Webb, J. M., Cole, M. B., Simmons, T. (2022) DNA barcoding takes bioassessment further: New distribution records for aquatic macroinvertebrates from Alaskan national parks. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 124(1): 131-149. [first publd online 13.ix.2022]
Established earlier / Re: New publications on variou...
Last post by Martin Spies - September 29, 2022, 10:32:16 AM

Hamerlík, L., Silva, F. L., Massaferro, J. (2022) An illustrated guide of subfossil Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) from waterbodies of Central America and the Yucatan Peninsula. J. Paleolimnol. 67(3): 201-258. [first publd online 29.i.2022]

Kodama, A., Maruta, R., Saito, H., Kawai, K. (2022) Molecular phylogeny of Japanese marine Tanytarsini chironomids (Chironomidae: Chironominae). Genetica: 10 pp. [publd online 13.viii.2022]

Konar, S. (2022) Correction of the generic status in Polypedilum (Polypedilum) aduncum Konar et Hazra (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 5087(2): 400. [publd 6.i.2022]

Krasheninnikov, A. B., Przhiboro, A. A. (2022) On taxonomy of the subgenus Amblycladius of the genus Chaetocladius (Diptera, Chironomidae). Zootaxa 5168(4): 494-500.  [publd 25.vii.2022]

Lin, X.-L., Liu, Zh., Yan, L.-P., Duan, X., Bu, W.-J., Wang, X.-H., Zheng, Ch.-G. (2022) Mitogenomes provide new insights of evolutionary history of Boreheptagyiini and Diamesini (Diptera: Chironomidae: Diamesinae). Ecol. Evol. 12(5, item e8957): 13 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd 24.v.2022]

Makarchenko, E. A. (2022) Redescription of two little-known Palaearctic species of Pseudodiamesa Goetghebuer (Diptera: Chironomidae: Diamesinae). Zootaxa 5092(5): 596-600. [publd 24.i.2022]

Makarchenko, E. A., Hansen, D. C. (2022) On the taxonomy and distribution of Diamesa insignipes Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae: Diamesinae). Zootaxa 5138(2): 191-195. [publd 17.v.2022]

Makarchenko, E. A., Semenchenko, A. A., Palatov, D. M. (2022) Redescription of the Caucasian endemic Diamesa caucasica Kownacki et Kownacka (Diptera: Chironomidae: Diamesinae). Zootaxa 5159(3): 445-450. [publd]

Makarchenko, E. A., Semenchenko, A. A., Palatov, D. M. (2022) Taxonomy of Diamesa steinboecki group (Diptera: Chironomidae: Diamesinae), with description and DNA barcoding of known species. II. Subgroups davisi, leona and loeffleri. Zootaxa 5190(3): 361-392. [publd 29.ix.2022]

Martin, J. (2022) The Chironomus species studied by Letha Karunakaran in Singapore, with a review of the status of selected South-East Asian Chironomus. CHIRONOMUS J. Chironomidae Res. 35: 6 p. [publd 15.ix.2022]

Michailova, P. (2022) External morphology of larva and polytene chromosomes of Clunio marinus Haliday, 1855 (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae) from two localities of the Atlantic coast. Zootaxa 5141(2): 163-173. [publd 25.v.2022]

Moubayed, J., Langton, P. (2022) Redescription of the type specimens of Georthocladius (Georthocladius) collarti (Goet., 1941) and Parachaetocladius scaturiginis (Goet., 1940) n. comb. with keys to the European species [Diptera, Chironomidae]. Ephemera 23(1): 17-28.

Rossaro, B., Marziali, L., Magoga, G., Montagna, M., Boggero, A. (2022) Corrections and additions to descriptions of some species of the subgenus Orthocladius s. str. (Diptera, Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae). Insects 13(1, item 51): 1-24 + online suppl. material. [publd 2.i.2022]

Sari, A. (2022) Evolutionary relationships among several species from the genus Cricotopus (Diptera: Chironomidae): What about Turkish representatives of this genus? Turkish J. Zool. 46(1): 129-143.

Song, C., Martin, J., Wang, S., Qi, X. (2022) Redescription and new record of Chironomus novosibiricus (Diptera, Chironomidae) from northern China. Annls zool. fenn. 59: 111-115. [publd online 9.ii.2022]

Tang, H., Cheng, Q., Krosch, M. N., Cranston, P. S. (2022) Maritime midge radiations in the Pacific Ocean Diptera: Chironomidae). Syst Ent. 48(1): 111-126 + online suppl. material. [first publd online 17.viii.2022]
Various topics / Re: Looking for Chironomid spe...
Last post by Ethan Bright - September 05, 2022, 05:24:19 PM
Hi Lionel,
There were a number of labs that reared species of Chironomus in large numbers. You may wish to contact them. I kept a listing in the Chironomid Home Page (, but since I've not heard from some of these colleagues in a long time, I do not know if it's still current.
Cheers, Ethan