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Posted by Martin Spies
 - July 07, 2022, 10:41:10 AM

Ahmad, A. K., Hafizah, A., Sharifah Aisyah, S. O. (2021) Chironomidae (Order: Diptera) diversity in relation to water quality of highland rivers at Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. J. envir. Biol. 42(3): 824-831.

Al-Saffar, H. H., Augul, R. Sh. (2021) Survey of insects in some southern Iraqi marshes. Bull. Iraq nat. Hist. Mus. 16(4): 571-621.

Ebejer, M. J., Gatt, P. (2021) A checklist of the Diptera (Insecta) of the Maltese Islands. Zootaxa 5018(1): 001-075. [publd 10.viii.2021]

Gañan, M., Contador, T., Rendoll, J., Simoes, F., Pérez, C., Graham, G., Castillo, S., Kennedy, J., Convey, P. (2021) Records of Parochlus steinenii in the Maritime Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions. ZooKeys 1011: 63-71. [publd 18.i.2021]

Hubenov, Z. (2021a) Species composition and distribution of the dipterans (Insecta: Diptera) in Bulgaria. Pensoft Series faunistica 223: 276 pp. [publd +30.ix.2021]

Hubenov, Z. (2021b) Review of the families of the suborder Nematocera (Insecta: Diptera) of Bulgaria. Acta zool. bulg. 74(1, March 2022): 9-26. [first publd online 11.x.2021]

Moubayed-Breil, J., Mary, N., Ashe, P. (2021) Chironomidae connus de Nouvelle-Calédonie. I. Sites prospectés et premières données faunistiques [Diptera]. Ephemera 22(2): 103-136. [publd "2020 (2021)", but may be 2022; in French, with English summary]

Namayandeh, A., Ghaderi, E., Mohammadi, H. (2021) New faunistic records of Chironomidae (Diptera: Insecta) from Iran. Iran. J. Animal Biosyst. 17(1): 23-27. [publd online 4.xi.2021]

Namayandeh, A., Ghaderi, E., Mohammadi, H., Ghobari, H. (2021) An overview of the Iranian Chironomidae (Diptera) diversity with an updated checklist with the provincial distribution. Kavkazskii ent. Byull. / Caucasian ent. Bull. 17(2): 401-407. [publd online 15.xii.2021]

Odabaşı, S. (2021) Biodiversity of freshwater macroinvertebrates on Gökçeada Island (North Aegean Sea, Turkey). Oceanol. hydrobiol. Studs 50(4): 421-429.

Swanson, D. R., Bilger, E. E. (2021) An updated checklist to the non-biting midges (Chironomidae) of Illinois. Great Lakes Ent. 54: 81-103.

Working Group on General Status of NWT Species (2021) NWT Species 2021-2025 – General status ranks of wild species in the Northwest Territories. Dept Envir. and nat. Resources, Govt Northwest Territories, Yellowknife, NT, Canada; 389 pp.