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Posted by Martin Spies
 - November 08, 2024, 11:06:27 AM

Fu, Y., Fang, X., Xiao, Y., Mao, B., Xu, Z., Shen, M., Wang, X. (2024) Two chromosome-level genomes of Smittia aterrima and Smittia pratorum (Diptera, Chironomidae). Scientific Data 11(paper 165): 7 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd online 3.ii.2024]

Gao, S., Wang, C., Tang, Y., Zhang, Y., Ge, X., Zhang, J., Liu, W. (2024) Complete mitochondrial genome of Tanypus chinensis and Tanypus kraatzi (Diptera: Chironomidae): Characterization and phylogenetic implications. Genes [Basle] 15(10, paper 1281): 11 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd 29.ix.2024]

Lei, T., Zheng, X., Song, C., Jin, H., Chen, L., Qi, X. (2024) Limited variation in codon usage across mitochondrial genomes of non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae). Insects [Basle] 15(10, paper 752): 10 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd 28.ix.2024].

Liu, W., Wang, Ch., Wang, J., Tang, Y., Pei, W., Ge, X., Yan, Ch. (2024) Phylogenetic and comparative analysis of Cryptochironomus, Demicryptochironomus and Harnischia inferred from mitogenomes (Diptera: Chironomidae). Insects [Basle] 15(9, paper 642): 14 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd 26.viii.2024]

Mrozińska, N., Obolewski, K. (2024) Morphological taxonomy and DNA barcoding: Should they be integrated to improve the identification of chironomid larvae (Diptera)? Ecohydrol. Hydrobiol. 24: 10 pp. [online version of record publd 29.ii.2024]

Nell, L. A., Weng, Y. M., Phillips, J. S., Botsch, J. C., Book, K. R., Einarsson, Á., Ives, A. R., Schoville, S. D. (2024) Shared features underlying compact genomes and extreme habitat use in chironomid midges. Genome Biol. Evol. 16(5): 9 pp. + online suppl. material. [first publd online 25.iv.2024]

Röder, N., Stoll. V. S., Jupke, J. F., Kolbenschlag, S., Bundschuh, M., Theißinger, K., Schwenk, K. (2024) How non-target chironomid communities respond to mosquito control: Integrating DNA metabarcoding and joint species distribution modelling. Sci. total Envir. 913(paper 169735): 12 pp. + online suppl. material. [online version of record publd 8.i.2024]

Wang, H., Xu, H.-F., Li, Ch.-H., Zhang, H.-X., Zhang, Y.-P., Sun, B.-J., Lin, X.-L. (2024) Towards a comprehensive DNA barcode library of Stenochironomus Kieffer, 1919 (Diptera: Chironomidae) from China. Diversity [Basle] 16(5, paper 257): 11 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd 24.iv.2024]

Zhang, D., Jin, W.-D., Xu, H.-F., Li, X.-B., Jiang, Y.-W., Li, D.-Q., Lin, X.-L. (2024) Characteristics and comparative analysis of six mitogenomes of genus Kiefferulus Goetghebuer, 1922 (Diptera: Chironomidae). Insects [Basle] 15(9, paper 646): 12 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd 28.viii.2024]
Posted by Martin Spies
 - March 09, 2024, 01:00:23 PM

Bolshakov, V., Prokin, A., Mayor, T., Hakobyan, S., Movergoz, E. (2023) Karyotypes and COI gene sequences of Chironomus annularius sensu lato (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Russia, Mongolia, and Armenia. Water [Basle] 15(17, Article 3114): 19 pp. [publd 30.viii.2023]

Cao, J.-K., Lei, T., Gu, J.-J., Song, Ch., Qi, X. (2023) Codon bias analysis of the mitochondrial genome reveals natural selection in the nonbiting midge Microtendipes umbrosus Freeman, 1955 (Diptera: Chironomidae). Pan-Pacific Ent. 99(4): 217-225. [publd 29.xii.2023]

Di, X., Lei, T., Mou, K., Song, Ch., Qi, X. (2023) Complete mitochondrial genome of the non-biting midge Polypedilum henicurum Wang, 1995 (Diptera: Chironomidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 8(8): 908-911 + online suppl. material. [publd online 25.viii.2023]

Fang, X., Wang, X., Mao, B., Xiao, Y., Shen, M., Fu, Y. (2023) Comparative mitogenome analyses of twelve non-biting flies and provide[sic!] insights into the phylogeny of Chironomidae (Diptera: Culicomorpha). Scientific Reports [London] 13(1, Article 9200): 13 pp. + online suppl. material. [first publd online]

Han, W., Tang, H., Wei, L., Zhang, E. (2023) The first DNA barcode library of Chironomidae from the Tibetan Plateau with an evaluation of the status of the public databases. Ecology and Evolution 13(2, paper e9849): 14 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd online 27.ii.2023]

Michailova, P., Kovalenko, P., Serga, S., Parnikoza, I., Kozeretska, I., Convey, P. (2023) A chromosome map of Belgica antarctica Jacobs (Diptera: Chironomidae) from Antarctica, including chromosome variability. Antarctic Science: 17 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd online 2.x.2023]

Qi, Y., Bu, W.-J., Zheng, Ch.-G., Lin, X.-L., Jiao, K.-L. (2023) New data on mitogenomes of Thienemanniella Kieffer, 1911 (Diptera: Chironomidae, Orthocladiinae). Archives Insect Biochem. Physiol. 114(2): 9 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd 6.ix.2023]

Röder, N., Schwenk, K. (2023) Direct PCR meets high-throughput sequencing – metabarcoding of chironomid communities without DNA extraction. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 7(paper e102455): 135-154 + online suppl. material. [publd online 25.vii.2023]

Shaikhutdinov, N. M., Klink, G. V., Garushyants, S. K., Kozlova, O. S., Cherkasov, A. V., Kikawada, T., Okuda, T., Pemba, D., Shagimardanova, E. I., Penin, A. A., Deviatiiarov, R. M., Gazizova, G. R., Cornette, R., Gusev, O. A., Bazykin, G. A. (2023) Population genomics of two closely related anhydrobiotic midges reveals differences in adaptation to extreme desiccation. Genome Biol. Evol. 15(10, Article evad169): 15 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd 14.ix.2023]

Silva, F. L. da, Pinho, L. C., Stur, E., Nihei, S. S., Ekrem, T. (2023) DNA barcodes provide insights into the diversity and biogeography of the non-biting midge Polypedilum (Diptera, Chironomidae) in South America. Ecol. Evol. 13(10, paper e10602): 18 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd online 11.x.2023]

Song, Ch., Wang, L., Lei, T., Qi, X. (2023) New color-patterned species of Microtendipes Kieffer, 1913 (Diptera: Chironomidae) and a deep intraspecific divergence of species by DNA barcodes. Insects [Basle] 14(3, paper 227): 27 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd online 24.ii.2023]

Zhang, D., He, F.-X., Li, X.-B., Aishan, Zh., Lin, X.-L. (2023) New mitogenomes of the Polypedilum generic complex (Diptera: Chironomidae): Characterization and phylogenetic implications. Insects [Basle] 14(3, paper 238): 14 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd 27.ii.2023]
Posted by Martin Spies
 - August 24, 2023, 02:36:15 PM

Huang, J., Miao, X., Wang, Q., Menzel, F., Tang, P., Yang, D., Wu, H., Vogler, A. P. (2022) Metabarcoding reveals massive species diversity of Diptera in a subtropical ecosystem. Ecol. Evol. 12(1): 13 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd 12.i.2022]

Kjærstad, G., Majaneva, M., Falahati-Anbaran, M., Topstad, L., Finstad, A. G., Arnekleiv, J. V., Ekrem, T. (2022) DNA metabarcoding of preservative ethanol reveals changes in invertebrate community composition following rotenone treatment. Frontiers envir. Sci. 10(paper 872739): 14 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd]

Kodama, A., Maruta, R., Saito, H., Kawai, K. (2022) Molecular phylogeny of Japanese marine Tanytarsini chironomids (Chironomidae: Chironominae). Genetica: 10 pp. [publd online 13.viii.2022]

Krueger, T. A., Cross, A. T., Hübner, J., Morinière, J., Hausmann, A., Fleischmann, A. (2022) A novel approach for reliable qualitative and quantitative prey spectra identification of carnivorous plants combining DNA metabarcoding and macro photography. Scientific Reports 12(Article 4778): 11 pp. + online suppl. material.

Lin, X.-L., Liu, Zh., Yan, L.-P., Duan, X., Bu, W.-J., Wang, X.-H., Zheng, Ch.-G. (2022) Mitogenomes provide new insights of evolutionary history of Boreheptagyiini and Diamesini (Diptera: Chironomidae: Diamesinae). Ecol. Evol. 12(5, item e8957): 13 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd 24.v.2022]

Pfenninger, M., Foucault, Q., Waldvogel, A.-M., Feldmeyer, B. (2022) Selective effects of a short transient environmental fluctuation on a natural population. Mol. Ecol.: 15 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd online 25.x.2022]

Qi, Y., Duan, X., Jiao, K.-L., Lin, X.-L. (2022) First complete mitogenome of Axarus fungorum (Albu, 1980) from Guizhou Province, China (Diptera, Chironomidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 7(10): 1807-1809. [publd online 17.x.2022]

Shen, M., Li, Y., Yao, Y., Fu, Y. (2022) Complete mitochondrial genome of Chironomus nipponensis, new record from China (Diptera: Chironomidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 7(6): 1163-1164.

Vasquez, A. A., Bonnici, B. L., Yusuf, S. H., Cruz, J. I., Hudson, P. L., Ram, J. L. (2022) Improved chironomid barcode database enhances identification of water mite dietary content. Diversity [Basle] 14(2, paper 65): 20 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd online 19.i.2022]

Xiao, Y.-L., Xu, Z.-G., Wang, J.-X., Fang, X.-L., Fu, Y. (2022) Complete mitochondrial genome of a eurytopic midge, Polypedilum nubifer (Diptera: Chironomidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B 7(11): 1936-1938. [publd online 11.xi.2022; open access at]

Yoshida, Y., Shaikhutdinov, N., Kozlova, O., Itoh, M., Tagami, M., Murata, M., Nishiyori-Sueki, H., Kojima-Ishiyama, M., Noma, S., Cherkasov, A., Gazizova, G., Nasibullina, A., Deviatiiarov, R., Shagimardanova, E., Ryabova, A., Yamaguchi, K., Bino, T., Shigenobu, S., Tokumoto, S., Miyata, Y., Cornette, R., Yamada, T. G., Funahashi, A., Tomita, M., Gusev, O., Kikawada, T. (2022) High quality genome assembly of the anhydrobiotic midge provides insights on a single chromosome-based emergence of extreme desiccation tolerance. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 4(2): 12 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd online 5.iv.2022]

Zheng, Ch.-G., Liu, Zh., Zhao, Y.-M., Wang, Y., Bu, W.-J., Wang, X.-H., Lin, X.-L. (2022) First report on mitochondrial gene rearrangement in non-biting midges, revealing a synapomorphy in Stenochironomus Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae). Insects 13(1, item 115): 12 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd online 21.i.2022]
Posted by Martin Spies
 - June 13, 2022, 11:30:08 AM

Krosch, M. N., Silva, F. L., Ekrem, T., Baker, A. M., Bryant, L. M., Stur, E., Cranston, P. S. (2021) A new molecular phylogeny for the Tanypodinae (Diptera: Chironomidae) places the Australian diversity in a global context. Mol. Phyl. Evol. 166(item 107324): 11 pp. + online suppl. material. [first publd online 8.x.2021]

Park, K., Kwak, L.-S. (2021) Multi-level gene expression in response to environmental stress in aquatic invertebrate chironomids: Potential applications in water quality monitoring. Reviews envir. Contamin. Toxicol. 259: 77-122 + online suppl. material. [publd online 19.x.2021]
Posted by Martin Spies
 - April 02, 2022, 02:40:23 PM

Finch, G., Nandyal, S., Perretta, C., Davies, B., Rosendale, A. J., Holmes, C. J., Gantz, J. D., Spacht, D. E., Bailey, S. T., Chen, X., Oyen, K., Didion, E. M., Chakraborty, S., Lee Jr, R. E., Denlinger, D. L., Matter, S. F., Attardo, G. M., Weirauch, M. T., Benoit, J. B. (2020) Multi-level analysis of reproduction in an Antarctic midge identifies female and male accessory gland products that are altered by larval stress and impact progeny viability. Scientific Reports 10(item 19791): 27 pp. + online suppl. material.

Kotrba, M. (2020) The DNA barcoding project on German Diptera: An appreciative and critical analysis with four suggestions for improving the development and reliability of DNA-based identification. Eur. J. Entomol. 117: 315-327. [publd online 28.vii.2020]

Zhang, L., Yang, J., Li, H., You, J., Chatterjee, N., Zhang, X. (2020) Development of the transcriptome for a sediment ecotoxicological model species, Chironomus dilutus. Chemosphere 244(paper 125541): 12 pp. + online suppl. material.
Posted by Martin Spies
 - January 01, 2020, 03:14:42 PM

Czechowski, P., Stevens, M. I., Madden, C., Weinstein, P. (2019) Steps towards a more efficient use of chironomids as bioindicators for freshwater bioassessment: Exploiting eDNA and other genetic tools. Ecol. Indicators 110: 11 pp. + online suppl. material. [first publd online (20.xi.2019)]

Gajski, G., Žegura, B., Ladeira, C., Pourrut, B., Del Bo', C., Novak, M., Sramkova, M., Milic, M., Gutzkow, K. B., Costa, S., Dusinska, M., Brunborg, G., Collins, A. (2019) The comet assay in animal models: From bugs to whales – (Part 1 Invertebrates). Mutation Res. / Revs Mutation Res. 779: 82-113.

McCulloch, G. A., Purcell, M. F., Harms, N. E., Grodowitz, M. J., Zhang, J., Hong, S.-H., Walter, G. H. (2019) Molecular screening of herbivorous flies collected from Hydrilla verticillata across China and Korea – setting up hypotheses for further exploratory surveys and tests. Biol. Control 138(paper 104051): 6 pp. + online suppl. material.

Morinière, J., Balke, M., Doczkal, D., Geiger, M. F., Hardulak, L. A., Haszprunar, G., Hausmann, A., Hendrich, L., Regalado, L., Rulik, B., Schmidt, S., Wägele, J., Hebert, P. D. (2019) A DNA barcode library for 5,200 German flies and midges (Insecta: Diptera) and its implications for metabarcoding-based biomonitoring. Mol Ecol Resour.: 29 pp. + online suppl. material. [first publd online (12.iv.2019);]

Weigand, H., Beermann, A. J., Čiampor, F., Costa, F. O., Csabai, Z. et al. [41 authors in total, incl. several chironomid researchers] (2019) DNA barcode reference libraries for the monitoring of aquatic biota in Europe: Gap-analysis and recommendations for future work. Sci. Total Envir. 678: 499-524 + online suppl. material.
Posted by Martin Spies
 - August 31, 2018, 09:07:07 AM

Carew, M. E., Kellar, C. R., Pettigrove, V. J., Hoffmann, A. A. (2018) Can high-throughput sequencing detect macroinvertebrate diversity for routine monitoring of an urban river? Ecol. Indicators 85: 440-450 + online suppl. data.

Elías-Gutiérrez, M., Valdez-Moreno, M., Topan, J., Young, M. R., Cohuo-Colli, J. A. (2018) Improved protocols to accelerate the assembly of DNA barcode reference libraries for freshwater zooplankton. Ecology and Evolution 8(5): 3002-3018 + 6 online suppl. files.

Lin, X.-L., Stur, E., Ekrem, T. (2018) Exploring species boundaries with multiple genetic loci using empirical data from non-biting midges. Zool. Scripta 47: 325-341 + online suppl. material.

Song, C., Lin, X.-L., Wang, Q., Wang, X.-H. (2018) DNA barcodes successfully delimit morphospecies in a superdiverse insect genus. Zool. Scripta 47: 311-324 + online suppl. material. [the genus treated is Polypedilum]

Srivathsan, A., Baloglu, B., Wang, W., Tan, W. X., Bertrand, D., Ng, A. H. Q., Boey, E. J. H., Koh, J. J. Y., Nagarajan, N., Meier, R. (2018) A MinIONTM-based pipeline for fast and cost-effective DNA barcoding. Mol. Ecol. Resources 18(5): 1035-1049 + online suppl. material.

Theissinger, K., Kästel, A., Elbrecht, V., Makkonen, J., Michiels, S., Schmidt, S. I., Allgeier, S., Leese, F., Brühl, C. A. (2018) Using DNA metabarcoding for assessing chironomid diversity and community change in mosquito controlled temporary wetlands. Metabarcoding and Metagenomics 2: e21060; 13 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd online (i.2018); DOI: 10.3897/mbmg.2.21060]

Wang, W. Y., Srivathsan, A., Foo, M., Yamane, S. K., Meier, R. (2018) Sorting specimen-rich invertebrate samples with cost-effective NGS barcodes: Validating a reverse workflow for specimen processing. Mol. Ecol. Resources 18(3): 490-501. [no chironomid content; posted here for method info.]
Posted by Martin Spies
 - December 15, 2017, 09:47:15 AM

Bista, I., Carvalho, G. R., Walsh, K., Seymour, M., Hajibabaei, M., Lallias, D., Christmas, M., Creer, S. (2017) Annual time-series analysis of aqueous eDNA reveals ecologically relevant dynamics of lake ecosystem biodiversity. Nature Communic. 8(14087), 11 pp. + suppl. material [publd online]

Kranzfelder, P., Ekrem, T., Stur, E. (2017) DNA barcoding for species identification of insect skins: a test on Chironomidae (Diptera) pupal exuviae. J. Insect Sci. 17(6, paper 111): 7 pp. + 2 suppl. tables [publd online xii.2017]

Krosch, M. N. (2017) Comparative analysis of larval transcriptomes from co-occurring species of Australian Cricotopus (Diptera: Chironomidae). Austral Ent. 56(4): 451-458 + online suppl. material.
Posted by Martin Spies
 - February 09, 2017, 05:01:59 PM

Augustyniak, M., Gladysz, M., Dziewięcka, M. (2016) The Comet assay in insects—Status, prospects and benefits for science. Mutation Res. – Revs Mut. Res. 767: 67-76.

Hambäck, P. A., Weingartner, E., Dalén, L., Wirta, H., Roslin, T. (2016) Spatial subsidies in spider diets vary with shoreline structure: Complementary evidence from molecular diet analysis and stable isotopes. Ecology and Evolution 6(23): 8431-8439 + online suppl. info.

Kuncham, R., Thayumanavan, T., Reddy, G. V. S. (2016) Development of a modified mitochondrial DNA extraction method from chironomid larvae. J. Envir. Biol. 37(3): 473-478.

Meier, R., Wong, W. H., Srivathsan, A., Foo, M. S. (2016) $1 DNA barcodes for reconstructing complex phenomes and finding rare species in specimen-rich samples. Cladistics 32(1): 100-110 + 6 online suppl. files.

Pramual, P., Simwisat, K., Martin, J. (2016) Identification and reassessment of the specific status of some tropical freshwater midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) using DNA barcode data. Zootaxa 4072(1): 39-60.

Song, C., Wang, Q., Zhang, R., Sun, B., Wang, X. (2016) Exploring the utility of DNA barcoding in species delimitation of Polypedilum (Tripodura) non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa 4079(5): 534-550.
Posted by Martin Spies
 - October 10, 2015, 11:38:10 AM

Failla, A. J., Vasquez, A. A., Hudson, P., Fujimoto, M., Ram, J. L. (2015) Morphological identification and COI barcodes of adult flies help determine species identities of chironomid larvae (Diptera, Chironomidae). Bull. entomol. Res. 106(1): 34-46.

Kranzfelder, P., Ekrem, T., Stur, E. (2015) Trace DNA from insect skins: a comparison of five extraction protocols and direct PCR on chironomid pupal exuviae. Mol. Ecol. Resources, Early View [First published online, DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.12446]

Krosch, M. N., Bryant, L. M. (2015) A note on sampling chironomids for RNA-based studies of natural populations that retains critical morphological vouchers. CHIRONOMUS J. Chironomidae Res. 28: 4-11.

Tischler A., Egg, M., Füreder, L. (2015) Ethanol: A simple and effective RNA-preservation for freshwater insects living in remote habitats. Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods [first publ. online, doi: 10.1002/lom3.10079 (xi.2015), 10 pp.].