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Started by Martin Spies, March 18, 2023, 12:51:24 PM

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Martin Spies

Boda, P., Móra, A., Csabai, Z. (2023) AMI-KMNP dataset: Occurrence records of aquatic macroinvertebrate species from a 10-year-long biodiversity survey in SE Hungary. J. Limnol. 82(s1, paper 2118): 5 pp. [publd 6.ii.2023]

Martin Spies


Edegbene, A. O., Elakhame, L. A., Arimoro, F. O., Osimen, E. C., Akamagwuna, F. C., Edegbene Ovie, T. T., Akumabor, E. C., Njuguna, C. W. (2023) Preliminary studies on macroinvertebrate biomonitoring of freshwater systems in the Afrotropics: a case study of the Chanchaga River in the Lower Niger-Benue Ecoregion of Nigeria. Biologia: 17 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd online 30.v.2023]

Ghaderi, E., Ibrahimi, H., Mohammadi, H., Namayandeh, A. (2023) Chironomidae (Diptera) of Shalmash Falls, West Azerbaijan, Iran, with the description of Paracricotopus davoodi sp. nov., a new Orthocladiinae. Zootaxa 5285(2): 381-388. [publd 16.v.2023]

Lencioni, V., Moubayed, J., Langton, P. H. (2023) [Chapter 15.2] Family Chironomidae. Pp. 553-602 in: Maasri, A., Thorp, J. H. (eds), Identification and ecology of freshwater arthropods in the Mediterranean Basin. Elsevier, Amsterdam etc. [publd 27.x.2023]

Paggi, A. C., Donato, M. H., Siri, A. (2023) [Diptera:] Chironomidae. Pp. 248-285 in: Claps, L. E., Roig-Juñent, S., Morrone, J. J. (eds), Biodiversidad de Artrópodos Argentinos. Volumen 5. Editorial INSUE UNT, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina.

Silva, F. L. da, Pinho, L. C., Stur, E., Nihei, S. S., Ekrem, T. (2023) DNA barcodes provide insights into the diversity and biogeography of the non-biting midge Polypedilum (Diptera, Chironomidae) in South America. Ecol. Evol. 13(10, paper e10602): 18 pp. + online suppl. material. [publd online 11.x.2023]

Sinclair, B. J. (2023) An annotated checklist of the Diptera of the Galápagos Archipelago (Ecuador). Zootaxa 5283(1): 102 pp. [publd 9.v.2023]

Taşdemir, A., Akyildiz, G. K. (2023) Checklist of the Family Chironomidae (Order: Diptera) from Turkey. Zootaxa 5318(3): 301-338. [publd 20-vii.2023]

Tatole, V. (2023) An updated checklist of chironomid species (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Romania. Trav. Mus. natn. Hist. nat. «Grigore Antipa» 66(1): 17-105. [publd]

Vráblová,Z., Kokavec, I., Navara, T., Mláka, M., Hamerlík, L. (2023) First record of the genus Anatopynia Johannsen, 1905 (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Slovakia, in a semi-permanent oxbow lake. Check List 19(2): 177-181. [publd 16.iii.2023]

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